Our Parton
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Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, also known as Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, is a beloved patron of our school, and her life and teachings serve as an inspiration to our students and community.
Saint Thérèse was born in Alençon, France, on January 2, 1873. From a young age, she displayed a deep love for God and a desire to dedicate her life to Him. At the age of fifteen, she entered the Carmelite convent in Lisieux, following her vocation to become a nun.
Despite her brief life and humble existence, Saint Thérèse’s spirituality and writings have left an indelible mark on the world. She is renowned for her “Little Way” – a simple and childlike approach to holiness, emphasizing love and trust in God in the midst of ordinary daily tasks. Saint Thérèse found beauty and grace in the smallest acts of kindness and saw them as opportunities to draw closer to God.
As the patron of our school, Saint Thérèse reminds us to approach our studies and daily activities with love and dedication, seeking God in all things. We look to her example as we strive to foster an environment of kindness, compassion, and service within our school community.
May Saint Thérèse of Lisieux intercede for us, guiding us on our journey towards holiness, and may her prayers inspire us to follow the “Little Way” of love and trust in God, bringing joy and peace to our hearts and those around us.